lemme ask you guys a big question?

“when do you say enough?”
“When do you say.. “this is over”?
when do you say goodbye?

i’ve been asking myself the same questions over and over again for months now. and i can’t seem to find the answer…

i feel that my marriage seemed to be a cycle of “away-bati”  blues… sometimes were okay, most of the times we’re not. my marriage is far from perfect. but i bet everybody does have problems…

this not a question of who does not love who. we both love each other. i still think he loves me though.. but will this work?

i laughed at myself at times when i would pack my stuff and dare to leave and in the end i would end up forgiving him. a close friend of ours commented we just don’t seem happy together… and its a painful reality to accept. yes we’re not. if you would put a spy camera on us then you would definitely be bored. the only person that binds us together is mikee…

i love him of course,no questions asked. if i didn’t i wouldn’t be writing this blog. but i am unhappy… and thats the saddest part… cause he doesn’t seem to care or maybe too busy to notice.

so when do we say goodbye?

is it only when they’ve cheated us?
is it only when they’ve physically harmed us?
